SALO, Laurie August
Name: Laurie August SALO
Born 4 August 1918
Birthplace: Ely, Minnesota
Age at arrival in Buchenwald: 26
Died 7 November 1985 in Roswell, New Mexico, age 67
Service: USAAF
Service ID: 3716051
Service Rank: Tech Sergeant
Duties: Gunner
Air Group: 8th Air Force, 801st Bomb Group, 850th Bomb Squadron
Airbase: Harrington, Northamptonshire UK
Aircraft: B-24 42-95170
Date shot down: 5 July 1944
Fate of crew: 1 captured immediately, 5 evaded; of those, 4 captured and sent to Fresnes Prison and Buchenwald (Denaro, GRANBERY, STRALKA, and SALO).
Evasion summary:
Date captured: July 1944
Capture summary: Arrested in Paris; GRANBERY and STRALKA were captured on 13 July 1944, uncertain if DENARO and Salo were on the same day.
Boxcar Transport: 15-20 August 1944, in boxcar #1 or #2
Buchenwald ID: 78270
Notes on Buchenwald internment:
Transferred from Buchenwald to: Stalag Luft III, Center Compound
Kriege ID: 8189
Notes on SLIII internment:
Subsequent transfer to: Stalag XIIID, Nurnberg
Notes on internment: Forced march and boxcar to Stalag VIIA 2-16 April 1945.
Liberation: 29 April 1945 by units of Patton’s Third Army.
Repatriation from ETO:
VA status:
Notes on Post-War period: