RITTER , Edwin William
Name: Edwin William RITTER
Born 24 April 1922
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois
Age at arrival in Buchenwald: 22
Died 25 June 1999 in Bonita Springs, Florida, age 77
Service: USAAF
Service ID: 16070712
Service Rank: Staff Sergeant
Duties: Radioman/engineer
Air Group: 8th Air Force, 93rd Bomb Group, 328th Bomb Squadron
Airbase: Hardwick, Norfolk UK
Aircraft: B-24 42-95043
Date shot down: 1 April 1944
Fate of crew: 7 KIA, 1 injured, captured; 2 evaded, one of them captured later (Ritter).
Evasion summary: Baxter, McClenaghan & Reid were guided into Paris from a village near Pontoise. On the 8th of August, they met de Marcheret, at Prevot's flat. Ritter was already there. The next day, de Marcheret's assistant (Lallier) took them by car to the Gestapo HQ
Date captured: 9 August 1944
Capture summary: Arrested in Paris with BAXTER, REID, and MCCLENAGHAN.
Boxcar Transport: 15-20 August 1944, in boxcar #1 or #2
Buchenwald ID: 78311
Notes on Buchenwald internment: Spoke Polish, useful as translator.
Transferred from Buchenwald to: Stalag Luft III, South Compound
Kriege ID: 8187
Notes on SLIII internment:
Subsequent transfer to: Stalag VIIA, Moosburg, by train from Spremberg after forced winter march, 27-30 January, arriving 4 February 1945.
Notes on SVIIA internment:
Liberation: 29 April 1945 by units of the 14th Armored Division from Patton’s Third Army.
Repatriation from ETO:
VA status:
Notes on Post-War period: