Malcolm, Thomas A
Name: Thomas Alexander MALCOLM
Born 15 January 1916
Hometown: Morwell, Victoria, Western Australia
Age at arrival in Buchenwald: 28
Died 15 February 2003 in Bowen, Victoria, age 87
Service: Royal Australian Air Force
Service ID: 418755
Service Rank: Flight Sergeant
Duties: Bombardier
Air Group: 463 Squadron
Airbase: Waddington, Lincolnshire UK
Aircraft: Lancaster bomber LM572
Date shot down: 25 June 1944
Fate of crew: 6 KIA, 1 evader subsequently captured (Malcolm)
Evasion summary:
Date captured: 15 July 1944
Capture summary: Taken to Prevot house with PELLETIER and JORDIN, questioned by MARCHARET, loaded into truck with 15 other airmen known to include GUILFOYLE, taken to Gestapo HQ, then to Fresnes Prison.
Boxcar Transport: 15-20 August 1944, in boxcar #1 or #2
Buchenwald ID: 78379
Notes on Buchenwald internment: Suffered from malnutrition, scabies, dysentery, etc., hospitalized in October, left behind at evacuation.
Transferred from Buchenwald to: Stalag Luft III on 28 November 1944
Kriege ID: 8929
Notes on SLIII internment:
Subsequent transfer to: Marlag und Mirlag Nord
Notes on internment: Probably marched to Lubek with 3000 other POWs in early April.
Liberation: Liberated by British 2nd Army on 2 May 1945, airlifted to the UK by 15 May 1945.
Repatriation from ETO:
VA status:
Notes on Post-War period: