Johnston, Eric L
Name: Eric Lyle JOHNSTON
Born 30 December 1922
Birthplace: Victoria, Australia
Age at arrival in Buchenwald: 21
Died 25 August 2003, age 80
Service: Royal Australian Air Force
Service ID: A418957
Service Rank: Flight Sergeant
Duties: Radio operator and flight engineer
Air Group: 78 Squadron
Airbase: Dishforth, Yorkshire, UK
Aircraft: Halifax bomber MZ692
Date shot down: 21 June 1944
Fate of crew: 7 evaded, 5 subsequently captured, 4 sent to Buchenwald (Johnston, GWILLIAM, K MILLS, and R MILLS)
Evasion summary:
Date captured: 28 July 1944
Capture summary: With two men in a black car, stopped at roadblock and taken into custody.
Boxcar Transport: 15-20 August 1944, in boxcar # with
Buchenwald ID: 78421
Notes on Buchenwald internment:
Transferred from Buchenwald to: Stalag Luft III
Kriege ID: 8098
Notes on SLIII internment:
Subsequent transfer to: Stalag IIIA, Luckenwalde
Notes on internment:
Liberation: 22 April 1945 by units of the Red Army but held until release was negotiated.
Repatriation from ETO:
Notes on Post-War period: Interviewed for 1994 documentary Buchenwald: The Lucky Ones.