Chinn, Albert J
Name: Albert John CHINN
Born 11 January 1917
Birthplace: Orsett, Essex UK
Age at arrival in Buchenwald: 27
Died August 1999 in Coventry, West Midlands, UK, age 82
Service: Royal Air Force
Service ID: 947663
Service Rank: Flight Sergeant
Duties: Flight engineer
Air Group: 207 Squadron
Airbase: Spilsby, Lincolnshire UK
Aircraft: Lancaster bomber ME805
Date shot down: 8 July 1944
Fate of crew: 6 evaded, 2 of them captured (Barham and CHINN).
Evasion summary: Sheltered in St Denis le Ferment with a Canadian airman and PENNELL.
Date captured: 2 August 1944
Capture summary: All three went from Beauvais to Paris in the morning of the 11th of august. Taken by pair by Captain Jacques' secretary to Gestapo HQ. Chinn says the house was surrounded.Captured with HODGSON, WILLIAMS, and 11 other airmen. Interrogated, sent to Fresnes Prison.
Boxcar Transport: 15-20 August 1944, in boxcar #1 or #2
Buchenwald ID: 78433
Notes on Buchenwald internment:
Transferred from Buchenwald to: Stalag Luft III
Kriege ID: 8082
Notes on SLIII internment:
Subsequent transfer to: Marlag und Milag Nord
Notes on internment: Probably marched out by SS in early April 1945, headed to Lubek. The column was attacked repeatedly.
Liberation: 27 April 1945 by British Guards Armored Division
Repatriation from ETO:
Veteran status:
Notes on Post-War period: